Post by morf13 on Jun 15, 2018 11:26:33 GMT
FBI profiler Mary Ellen O'Toole, and FDLE profiler, Leslie D'Ambrosia.
All of the following was said by them before he was caught, it comes from Unmasking a Killer and that program was completed and in the can in 2017.
D'Ambrosia said, "he's alive and he is among us!"
D'Ambrosia said, "It's my opinion the Visalia Ransacker is the East Area Rapist who became the Golden State Killer"
D'Ambrosia: "This guy is not going to want to stop so I don't believe he would have stopped. He would need to do something that was satisfying to him."
Seems that O'Toole is disagreeing with D'Ambrosia here. She said "We know he was gratified by murder but that doesn't mean he isn't satisfying his urges and desires in other ways. The ligatures followed him through his sexual assaults and followed him through the murders and because of that behavior following him for that period of time, I think that's one of his strongest paraphilic behaviors."
D'Ambrosia: "So today I would expect to see bondage with his relationships. Perhaps he has a compliant partner engaging in bondage."
(Hmmm? Is that why Bonnie, the girlfriend, broke up with him? There undoubtedly were many reasons to break up with him before it could have gotten to that point though.)
D'Ambrosia: "I firmly believe there are people out there who knows who he is"
D'Ambrosia: I think there are women who dated or married him who say, "you know, I think he might be the guy."
O'Toole said "To demonstrate that level of violence, it has to in part come from his family home." She said there was sexual pathology and violence in that family. She said some paraphilic behavior happened to him as a little boy. IT COULD BE HE WITNESSED IT. He could have been sexually molested OR A SIBLING.
(as a 10 y.o. he witnessed his 7 y.o. sister being raped according to what this sister told her son/his cousin, and it has been reported his real father beat his mother.)
O'Toole: "It's very likely we do not know all of his crimes."
O'Toole: Is sure he would have kept his trophies to this day. She said that even if he knows if they are found it could put him on death row, he'll keep them" . And she said he may have gifted jewelry etc. to a girlfriend or wife and get pleasure from seeing her wear it.
D'Ambrosia doesn't seem to be so sure, she says he was into self preservation. (I'm not sure if that statement was indicating she thinks perhaps he would not have kept the trophies. I think that's what she means but it's not crystal clear.)
ROY HAZELWOOD, Profiler (another case with parallels to this case):
Roy Hazelwood said “peepers” choose victims of opportunity”! And he said they probably live within a few blocks.
(note: Hazelwood is talking about peepers and is not mentioning rapists.)
Edmond, Oklahoma, A peeper (Jonathan Graham) entered the house with intent to rape. When he unexpectedly encountered a male in the hallway, he stabbed him to death. He then proceeded to raped the woman.
Hazelwood's Profile: Age 22 to 27, Education: hi school graduate.
Hazelwood said the KILLERS WEIGHT WOULD FLUCTUATE, would have been traumatized from unexpectedly killing a person. Hazelwood said the perpetrator would look for a LEGITIMATE REASON TO LEAVE TOWN.
As Hazelwood predicted Graham did lose weight after the crime and found an excuse to leave town -- he joined the army.
NOTE the similarity: DeAngelo, did find an excuse to leave Visalia after the McGowen shooting, a change of jobs.
DeAngelo did lose weight which threw everyone off because of the discrepancy between the pudgy Ransacker and the thin EAR.
I've been trying without success to find another article about a profiler that said serial rapists tend to travel great distances. I am now seeing how that ties into DeAngelo too. He lived in Auburn and traveled to Contra Costa County, Stockton, Modesto, San Jose and So. California all while living in Auburn. (There is an indication that at some point they did live in Los Angeles as their second daughter was born there in November 1986.)
If you want to see how much D'Ambrosia got wrong(quite a bit)see this thread:
Not trying to single her out, just that her profile of the EAR/ONS is the major one that's out there, and shows maybe it's time to reset what we think we know about serial killers. Then again, police did several geo-profiles on where they thought EAR & VR likely lived, and none of them were even close, so everybody missed all around as did many of us amateurs